4 Tips on Turning Thoughts Positive By Changing Beliefs

Negative core beliefs create anxiety, critical self-talk, unrealistic thoughts, stress, and worry. All of these mentioned are a negative thinking pattern that can be contributing to your anxiety, critical self-talk, stress, worry, and panic issues. Negative thinking tends to be a learned habit that can impact your emotions, thinking, and physical health. Since negative thinking typically develops over time due to emotional, environmental, and situational triggers, it can be unlearned and replaced with more positive beliefs and views when the unknown influence of core beliefs are recognized.

Turn Your Negative Thinking Around by Changing Beliefs 

Turning your negative beliefs around involves recognizing, assessing their truth, and resetting your beliefs by replacing them with new ones. 

First, start by recognizing how often you pay attention to and worrying about your thoughts throughout the day. It may help to start a thought journal and record your thoughts on a piece of paper as they come up. Knowing your thoughts will open you up to realizing your belief’s power and influence they have over how you act, feel, react, and think.

Secondly, look at your beliefs behind your thoughts and ask if they are realistic and truthful beliefs of who you are. Try to look at the other side of the beliefs, which results in negative thoughts. For example, if you believe that others won’t accept you due to your lack of skills, ask yourself if that is a necessarily true reflection of you really are? Do people only accept those who are entirely flawless? Do you really want to be friends with someone who can’t accept you for who you are? By reality-checking and disputing your beliefs, you diminish their power and influence. Checking the validity of your beliefs and doubting their truthfulness may begin to help you to take on a different and more positive perspective.

Thirdly, determine where or who these negative beliefs came from. Is what you believe about yourself is coming from your true self, or was it given to you through another’s critical statement or perception? For example, are you not good enough? If your beliefs did not come from you or are not a real vision of who you then denounce them out loud to yourself. Once their falsehood is realized and denounced, take them out of your mind, eliminate them from your belief system.

Lastly, replace these negative beliefs, expectations, perceptions, thoughts, and worries with more realistic beliefs, thoughts, and positive statements about yourself. 

For instance, you may begin to think of yourself in a better or more positive light. Not everyone will accept your beliefs, but your opinion is the most valuable. Know that you are working on becoming a more compassionate, fulfilled, positive, and self-assured person. When you have made the shift in your beliefs, that will eventually become your truths, and you will realize more acceptance in yourself. In this way, you know you are based on your new core beliefs.

Take Away

Accept that your thoughts are a byproduct of your beliefs and generated from your subconscious mind. Change the content of your beliefs from negative to positive. Once your beliefs are changed and reflect a true representation of who you really are, then your thoughts will automatically adjust to benefit you. You possess the ability to change your beliefs and have a more fulfilled life.

Turn your thoughts are by understanding how your beliefs influence your world. Learn more at my website and click here to download eBook on core beliefs

          Coach Bill


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