Intuitive Breathing Methods: 2 Methods for Reducing Anxiety,, Calm Your Mind & Lower Stress

Breathing is the most important and necessary thing you do every day. Controlled breathing and bringing in more oxygen, can also be very healthy for your body and mind as well as emotional well-being. Intuitive breathing can produce health many benefits and increase your level of mindfulness.

Benefits of Intuitive Breathing

Breathing can be productive. If done intuitively and mindfully you can increase calmness, increase focus, increase mental clarity, and increase connectedness with your inner self as well as decrease anxiety and stress. Intuitive breathing is a form of mini-meditation.

Breathing and Anxiety

Anxiety can be very harmful to your response to situations, emotional overreactions, and relationships as well as your overall mental and physical health. Stress, the cause of anxiety can cause a negative emotional response and/or physical pain.

Breathing and Stress

Altering your breathing pattern slightly can reduce your stress levels and assist you in becoming more mindful. Increased stress can make it near impossible to control your emotional reactions toward yourself and others. The more stressed you have, the more irrational and reactive you may become.

Stress is also strongly linked to diseases. Chronic stress can give these conditions the green light to flood your body. Stress has been linked to cancer, lung disease, fatal accidents, suicide, and cirrhosis of the liver. 

Also, be mindful that stress can cause you physical problems. Stress can cause you to gain weight and keep on weight, cause sleep problems (too much or sleeplessness), and cause you to feel older as well as look older. Too much stress to reduce your feeling of fulfillment, ruin relationships and cause negative thinking towards yourself and others.

Breathing and Emotional Triggers

When you know, you are emotionally triggered - stop, recognize you are triggered, then count to 4 and follow the steps for intuitive breathing method #1 below


Who wouldn’t want to be calmer, more connected, and more into the moment as well as feeling less anxious, more focused, more peaceful and less stressed? If this is something you would want then what follows is 2 methods that could improve your mental, emotional and physical health as well as your mindfulness.

2 tips on how to become healthier with Two Methods of Intuitive Breathing

Below are two breathing methods that will improve your health, your life, and well-being if practiced. Understand the more you practice one or both of the ways, the more significant the benefits you will receive.

Go through and experience both methods. Find out which way is most benefit you and which method would you help to reach your intention of better. 

Intuitive Breathing Method #1

This first method of Intuitive Breathing will assist you in reducing anxiety. This method helps you to relax your nerves, achieve an increased degree of mental calmness, centers you into the moment and improves your connectedness with your body, mind and immediate environment.   

To reduce your anxiety, become calmer and more connected follow these steps.

1. Inhale while counting to 4 in your head

2. Hold your breath for a count of 2

3. Exhale at a count of 4 in your head completely

Repeat at least a series of four (4) times to get the full effect.

You can use this method in any situation. You don't need a traditional meditation environment, close your eyes, sit in a lotus position, or chant. 

You can perform this method while you are walking, standing, working, exercising, driving, at play, or during any daily routine. 

Intuitive Breathing Method #2

This second method of Intuitive Breathing is a little different to assist you in decreasing your stress level and increase your ability to be mindful.  

1. Inhale while counting to 4

2. Hold your breath for a count of 2

3. Exhale entirely while counting to 8

Repeat at least 4 times to get the full effect.

It sounds counterintuitive to take in 4 counts of oxygen and then exhale 8 counts of oxygen. While exhaling the first 4 counts you are exhaling oxygen and counts 5-8, you are expelling carbon dioxide. You will become more comfortable and settled getting rid of built-up carbon dioxide.

You can use this method in any situation. You don't need to close your eyes, sit in a lotus position, or chant. 

You can perform this method while you are walking, standing, working, exercising, driving, at play, or during any daily routine. 

16 Benefits of Intuitive Breathing

Emotional stability improves 
Calms your mind
Clarity of thought materializes
Creativity enhances
Decreases anxiety 
Decreases response to pain
Enhances focus
Happiness increases
Lowers blood pressure
Increases your intuitiveness
Increases your oxygen level
Improves confidence 
Improves sleep
Improves instincts
Promotes inner peace 
Improved connection with the moment 
Reduces sensitivity 
Mindfulness increases
Mini-meditation experience 

Using Intuitive Breathing in Real Situations

Example One:

A client of mine learned and began to practice intuitive breathing for her anxiety. So recently she had to go for dental work. Throughout her whole life dental visits and work always brought up a lot of stress and anxiety for her. This time when she went to her dentist, she used intuitive breathing before she arrived and during her dental work. "Intuitive breathing has been helping me so much with my anxiety that I thought I would use it for my dentist visit. Again it was very productive for me. I didn't experience my usual high level of anxiety before, during, or after my procedure. It works awesome for me in all my real-life situations."

Example Two:

"I recently had to go in for a surgical procedure myself. I had been practicing intuitive breathing since I developed it back in 2016. I had lower my heart rate and blood pressure with it and got much success. Use also use it for mini-meditation sessions daily. Well, when I went for my recent surgical procedure, I practiced before my pre-workup and when my blood pressure was taken it was 116/over 69. I was calm and did not feel any anxiety even though I had never been put under before. When I woke up, I was still calm and felt no anxiety for what I had been through".

Intuitive breathing can benefit you in your life in any situation once you learn, practice it and gain mastery. It can also help you to keep you mindful.


Intuitive Breathing can be performed by sitting comfortably with your eyes open or shut. You can also get the same results when you are doing any daily activity. Both ways can help you to become healthier and increase your intuitive connection with yourself as well as live healthier.

These methods have also been shown to be useful for calming your body, decreasing your response to pain and increasing your threshold to pain as well as a mini-meditation for your body, mind, and spirit.

Practicing intuitive breathing methods will not only give you useful, healthy tools. These intuitive breathing methods are also a great starting point for internal growth and inner peace.

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                        Coach Bill


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