Power of Emotions: Repressed Emotions Surface as Pain

Feelings are a part of our lives. Feelings are a by-product of our core beliefs. We accept, deal, express, deny or avoid feelings constantly in order to function in our lives. Our own feelings as well as others. For the most part, it is not the feelings we encounter every day that shape our lives the most, but it is the feeling that we submerged deep within us as a result of our experiences. 

No matter how great or how small the event, we were unable to modulate those overwhelming feelings during our darkest periods. We hide these unclosed feelings beneath the surface of our consciousness. It is these submerged feelings which cripple our present decisions, affect attitudes and devour our future behavior. We must find a creative way to walk through our resistance to raise old buried feeling.


A major tip is to revisit emotions you have not dealt with and then make closure with them. Let them go. In order to do this, you have to leave our comfort zone of avoidance and free yourself. 

Take Away

The fear of facing your repressed emotions is not as damaging as continuing to carry the pain of unclosed feelings deep within you.

         Coach Bill


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