Tip for Healing PTSD Through Mindfulness

One of the biggest days of my life was the birth of my grandson. To be blessed with a new gift like that filled my heart and soul. Everything I have learned on being mindful since his birth has brought me more enlightenment and wisdom by watching him grow.

What is Mindful?

Being mindful is merely being attentive, aware, and focused on the moment. Mindful is a gentle effort to be continuously present in the moment with experience. Mindfulness also involves being compassionate which is understanding, with yourself and know that you survived and are very strong to get where you are today. 
Mindful means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and fully non-judgmentally as well as not looking back into your past or fearing the future.
All you have is the moment. The moment is all you can change. Can't change the past or predict the future.

Mindful and Intuitive Recovery

Mindful and intuitive recovery is being consciously aware of your mind, body, beliefs, emotions, spirit, and thoughts as well as your intuitiveness and how you respond to PTSD symptoms without any judgment. Question is "how do I make what happen to me and things I have to learn productive for me in my life?" In recovery being mindful involves always paying attention to your mindset, intentions to recover and your “on purpose”. Mindful recovery means having a conscious direction of your awareness. Sometimes talk about being “mindful” or “aware” as if these words are interchangeable terms, but they are not. Think of it this way, you may be aware that you are angry or afraid, but that wouldn’t mean you are being mindful of your anger or why you are fearful. In order to be mindful you have to be purposefully attentive, aware and focused fully on yourself and ready, able and willing to change, not just vaguely or habitually aware. 

Mindful and intuitive recovery from and healing from trauma or addictions is an action not a state of mind.


Well, today I have another gift that I want to pass on to you the reader. To shift out of the grips of traumatic mindset you have to gain wisdom. Wisdom becomes fruitful when you learn new knowledge and then put that knowledge into action. Action begets success and freedom.

Get more Knowledge

I want to present you with a new feature on this blog site. If you glance to the right of this blog, you will see an audio player titled Radio Shows with Dr. Bill. please click on it and listen to radio shows that will enlighten you on what is possible with PTSD, DID, flashbacks and much more.

I have selected the most useful and important shows for the issues covered in this blog from trauma recovery, PTSD, DID and more to help you gain enlightenment and wisdom. With all this wisdom you can start a new journey toward shifting your mindset to one of: “healing from abuse and trauma is possible”.

After Thoughts

Start your journey today and please enjoy all the radio shows that I believe will raise your enlightenment and wisdom to help you shift your mindset to one of wellness and recovery. 

Coach Bill


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