4 Tips for Communicating with Yourself

One of the most overlooked issues for survivors of abuse and trauma is the loss of the ability to communicate with self. With the absence of communication and the ensuing loss of a relationship with self, we experience a deep feeling of emptiness without authenticity as well as disconnection with ourselves.

Strive not to live without self. Because without self, you are lost and empty. When disconnected with self and self-love your need for having as relationship magnifies tenfold. Also, it leaves open the door to seeking any ties even a toxic one to rid yourself of being disconnected. 

Fulfillment and success in life are when you can freely communicate with yourself as well as mindfully and intuitively accepting yourself on all levels. 

Stop looking back into the past for answers on what stop your relationship with your inner self instead of retaking your personal authority and achieve more productiveness in your life. A way to take back your personal authority is by reconnecting with your inner self with compassionate communication.

To improve your inner communicate with yourself, tips are needed to help to improve your skill. You can not accept what you do not know. Without good inner communication, your relationship with yourself will be very deficient.

Find yourself. Find your connection with you. Find your voice.

4 Tips to Achieve Internal Communication;

1. Spend quiet time being with self for ten minutes every day

2. Speak with self authentically, no directives or control

3. Display one act of appreciation for yourself daily

3. Don't over talk your inner self, instead, listen 

4. Never judge inner self, instead, support yourself with compassion

After Thoughts

If you follow these suggestions, you will gain an appreciation of how wonderful you really are, increase your positiveness toward you and be more productive as well as become a healthier you.

         Coach Bill


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