4 Tips for Shifting to Positive Mindset

Do you feel you rigid or inflexible? Maybe it is your mindset.

Definition of Mindset

A mindset is a fixed mental attitude. A mindset is a mental habit that is comfortable or uncomfortable. A mindset can be flexible or rigid toward yourself or others. 

Hanging on to old mindset creates stress, shame, anxiety, blame, bitterness, negativity, fear, and rigidness. Over time a mindset results in poor physical health as well as a decrease in our mental and emotional health and performance. A mindset simply is a deep-seated attitude based on old perceptions, beliefs or prejudgements told, taught or forced upon you. 

One thing which is clear is your mindset is generally derived from another person's expectations or bias. Growing up in my generation, it was taught to take others mindsets, such as parents, teachers, coaches, policemen, etc., with blind faith. Never to ask questions. Functioning in life under another person's mindset does not work and causes deep feelings of unhappiness, disappointment and a feeling of being trapped.

Tips for Shifting from a Negative to Positive Mindset

1. Stop, slow down and connect with the moment

2. Focus and take in an intuitive sense of what your mindset is

3. Reclaim your personal authority by forming a new positive              mindset to replace the negative one on the same subject

4. Create a new attitude to support and validate your newly formed      mindset

Follow the tips above and you can create and attain command over unproductive mindsets and set new ones.
          Coach Bill


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